The Better Future SPOTLIGHT podcast series is a series of one on one conversations with executive designers focusing on how a Better Future can be achieved faster through a design lens.

For SPOTLIGHT 14, Mark is joined by Isabel Aagaard - Co-founder of LastObject - as they discuss a Better Future and a sustainable Now. Against the backdrop of Isabel’s work at LastObject finding design solutions for single-use products, Isabel and Mark discuss the intricacies of start-ups - from Kickstarter and beyond, the influence of growing up around entrepreneurs, committing to creating your dream team, the power of understanding production and the importance of dreaming big. Isabel and LastObject support a circular economic model and through their work and ideas they showcase an infectious passion for an improved world - it is hard to not share in the excitement.
We aren’t going to hire people that are just ‘good’, we want to hire superstars
We are very design-based, and we really want to keep that rolling
Working in the medical industry is like a gift-shop for designers
As soon as you understand the production, then you can design smart... that is how our products have developed