Hosted by Mark Bergin
Simon Hamilton - Founder at Design Career Consulting / Educator at ELLE Education and Mahaylia Simone Irish - Interior Architecture Graduate
David Keech - Managing Director at Keechdesign UK and Xianthie Nichol - Designer at Keechdesign UK
Gurvinder Khurana - Co-owner and Design Director at align and Aqilah Amran - Architectural Designer at align
Phil Nutley - Head of Experience Design at CCD Design & Ergonomics / Founder at Creative Campus and Chris Chowen - Innovation and Technology Manager at Wired Sussex
Pippa Nissen - Director of Nissen Richards Studio and Amy Kempa - Architectural Assistant and Designer at Nissen Richards Studio
William Knight - Director at The Renew Consultancy / European Associate at BETTER FUTURE / Co-founder at Design Dialogue and Lucy Swift - Craft Curator at Cluster London
Simon Hamilton
It will be a better future when... we really listen to eachother, learn from past mistakes, and there is real social justice that includes all demographics
Be patient and see the future as positive
Mahaylia Simone Irish
It will be a better future when... we can transform these conversations we are having into physcial, concrete experiences
we need to encourage more life experiences
David Keech
It will be a better future when... we teach the idea of not judging other people on the national curriculum
music is a conversation
Xianthe Nichol
It will be a better future when... we start to consider more diverse perspectives when making key decisions
we need to introduce diversity in decision making... more perspectives mean more input
Gurvinder Khurana
It will be a better future when... we start to implement all the things that we spend many, many hours thinking about
we have to trail-blaze and push the agenda so those coming up behind us don't have to have the same fight
Aqilah Amran
It will be a better future when... everyone is to be treated equally, not because of their skin colour, gender or religion, and there is no racial injustice or division
its the attitude of people that create blockers
Phil Nutley
It will be a better future when... we can see and feel a bit better and have more of these intergenerational conversations
we need to go back to human traits
Chris Chowen
It (might) be a better future when... we have a more seamless transition between the virtual and reality
tech innovation will carry is forward... but we need to combine technologists with the artists
Pippa Nissen
It will be a better future when... we enjoy difference and respect everybody
enjoy the unusual voices that come to the fore
Amy Kempa
It will be a better future when... the actions and choices we are making now only positively benefit and enable the lives of those to come
sustainability should be at the forefront of everything
William Knight
It will be a better future when... a vision is set and we can bring people behind that vision
we are bursting to get to a better place
Lucy Swift
It will be a better future when... we approach listening across all diversities, cultures and backgrounds
we need to acknowledge the difference between digital and physical connection