Hosted by Mark Bergin - Founder of BETTER FUTURE / The Design Exec Club
Julia Monk - Hospitality Thought Leader, Architect, Interior Designer
Dylan Brady - Conductor (Owner) at Decibel Architecture
Ole Rauberg - Head of Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and South Korea at RH Contract
Lucy Grant - Communications Coordinator at BETTER FUTURE / The Design Exec Club
We will run out of environment before we run out of money. - Julia Monk
It will be a better future when we are more fair and transparent and can operate equally - Ole Rauberg
It will be a better future when our grandkid's grandkids are the clients we are working for - Dylan Brady
It will be a better future when we can actually commit the funding and policies to create the impact we are imagining - Lucy Grant
It will be a better future when everyone starts giving back to the here and now for the betterment of the future, rather than saving it all up for some future date which may never occur - Julia Monk
It will be a better future when our value comes from what we add to our society, not what we extract - Mark Bergin